Tuesday, May 4, 2010

PE4Life hosted the IBC Adopt-a-School Challenge Summit in Des Moines Iowa recently, Railyard was proud to attend this inspiring event. Iowa companies have come together to support Physical Education and have put money where their mouth is. This, to my knowledge, is the first such effort in the United States. The folks in Iowa realize as a people, a culture, and a society, have the power and responsibility to change the paradigm. We do not, and should not, rely on the government to solve our problems. I believe it’s time we all strive to get off the government gravy train and make the changes needed in our country to make us a healthier population, thereby reducing our nation’s medical expenditures. The benefits are tremendous, the effort, by comparison, is minuscule. I for one, have no illusions that exercise in the lives of our nation’s children is an overnight fix, it is a start though.
Our youth exercise and fitness manual, Youth fitness on the Obstacle Course, is now free to anyone who wants it, no strings. In the past we requested you sign up for our monthly newsletter, “The Railyard Depot”, that’s not necessary any longer. If you are looking for free kid’s fitness, youth fitness, and children’s exercise programs that are fun, functional, and easy to do, download this free manual. Nearly every exercise can be done in the grass in the backyard, no equipment necessary. Parents, get down in the grass with your kids and exercise, set an example while reaping the benefits for yourself. It so easy, just run, jump, climb, and crawl. It’s fun!  More information on the Railyard Obstacle in Schools, click here.